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From Stress to Present during the Holidays

Writer: Patricia CiminoPatricia Cimino

And just like that – it’s here. The holiday season. Do the holidays bring up a lot of stress for you? All the things you have to do, people you have to please, rushing around, overspending and at the end you’re secretly relieved it’s over? ME TOO!

This year, instead of rushing around doing doing doing to create the perfect holiday, I’ve decided to take a step back and ask myself how I want to feel this season. The answer was loud and clear – I want to feel PEACEFUL. Peaceful as I get my house decorated, peaceful as I shop for gifts, peaceful as I say yes and no to events and people. And the best part is I don’t need to spend boatloads on spa treatments, or book a flight to a deserted island (which sounds enticing) to feel peace, because everything I need to create peace is already inside of me. My body is the best barometer for managing peace within. Tuning into how my body reacts to holiday invitations and seasonal traditions is the easiest way to control the level of peace in my life. Using my body for signs of peace as I tune into the things that feel good, like the holiday dinner with close friends that I adore. Or the peace from deciding to say no to the things that make me feel stressed out, like unnecessary gift buying. And although it sounds like an oxymoron, to feel peace during the most hectic month of the year – it’s not, because creating calm within ourselves is something we have 100% control of, regardless of the circumstances and events that surround us. We can’t control the behavior our our family and friends or the mad crowds at the shopping malls – but we can control how we react to all of it. Being intentional during this time of year is the best holiday gift we can give ourselves. It brings us to being present – really present to what we are saying and what we are allowing in our lives. Ultimately understanding that in that moment we can say and allow something different that feels better.

In an effort to kick off a peace filled month, please join me as I begin December with 2 events. The first is another challenge, this time it will be 30 Days of Peace. Wake up to my Instagram and FB posts of peace and feel free to leave your own comment of whatever you are doing to create peace in your life.

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And the second is to join me if you live local as I host a talk at LUXXE Organix in Hinsdale on how to Let Go of the crazy Expectations you place upon yourself for the holidays so you can really enjoy them. Details below.

Wishing you outrageous amounts of PEACE &LOVE this holiday season,


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