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Stopping to Pause

Writer: Patricia CiminoPatricia Cimino

Last week, I had a fun packed week of work and birthday celebrations. In the middle of rushing here and there, I got side swiped pulling out of a parking spot. Everything happened so quickly, it had my head spinning.

Did I look to the side? How did I not see that construction truck? What was my hurry? Why did I decide to move the car?


Those thoughts kept spinning in my head all afternoon and night.

The next day I went to a fantastic retreat that was being led by my dear friend Pam Gross, a holistic health coach and inspiring yoga instructor. The theme of her retreat was –



A day late, yet another reminder from the universe to not only slow down but to literally stop what I’m doing and become present with the moment at hand. When we stop, we get to be there for the little things that really are the big things. Like the heartfelt conversations with our kids or the beauty of spring unfolding right now. Those little things fuel us and fill us up.

I know this stuff, it’s what I teach my clients. But when life gets hairy I so need to be reminded of that which I teach.

In Gal Henricks book The Big Leap, he writes about time from a perspective that I never heard before. He states that WE are where time comes from. When we think we don’t have a lot of time, we feel pressured and rushed. And feelings of scarcity of time leads to time urgency. He tells us to take full ownership of time, that we are not time’s victim. Suggesting to start by stop complaining that you have no time, so it takes you out of victim mode. Especially noticing our common phrase –

“I don’t have time to do that right now.”

That phrase is just a lie we keep telling ourselves, because time isn’t something you have or don’t have. When you say that, what you’re really saying is “I don’t want to do that right now.”

Make sense? It’s a big concept to wrap your head around, but once you realize that you are in charge of every minute, then slowing down or stopping to be in that minute makes all the difference in how you feel – rushed or paused.

This week be the watch dog with your complaints about time. Whether you’re saying it or thinking it and as you catch yourself complaining, STOP and bring yourself to the presence of what you are doing.

I’ll be right there along side you, practicing the same thing. I bet you we both feel less stressed and get more done.

Let me know how it goes. xoxo, Patricia . . . and speaking of slowing down to stop – did you see my upcoming retreat listed below? Another opportunity to shelf the to do list for a few hours. Connect with your mind and body, other women and your creative side. Deets below.

MOMS MINI-RETREAT Friday May 12Th 10:00 – 2:00 pm $75 Calling all super moms! Time to disconnect from your to do list and reconnect with your SELF. Spend the day with me for a mini retreat to kick off your mothers day weekend.

A gentle all levels yoga class

A delicious light lunch

Fresh Floral Mothers Day arrangements…made by you!

(no experience necessary and hands on instruction will be easy)

You’ll walk away with self care tips,

a calm and happy heart

and a beautiful floral piece to brighten your table –


Space will be limited, grab a friend and reserve your spot here!

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