Have you ever found yourself feeling lost?
The last couple of years navigating through the uncertainties of my family life have left me feeling more lost than ever . . .
So I created a little ritual to help me feel more balanced and more optimistic :)))
Here it is and please feel free to share:
Patricia’s 3 G’s for finding yourself when you feel lost:
1. GROUND – Take a step back from whatever you’re doing, put one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly and connect with your breath and your heartbeat for at least 2 minutes.
2. GRATITUDE – Be grateful for every-THING and every-ONE in your life in this very moment. Be grateful for all the good that is coming your way – you don’t need to know specifically what is coming your way. Just keep repeating “I’m so excited for all the good that is coming!” is magical.
3. GET MOVING – Move your body in any way that feels good: walk, dance, run, do yoga, lift weights, cycle, do zumba, trx, boxing, bar……
no excuses – find a way to move asap.
I have found a tremendous amount of comfort doing my 3 G’s. It’s taken the fear and lack of clarity out and replaced it with possibilities and positivity.
Maybe the next chapter of you is presenting some uncertainty . . .
and notice it you feel more calm, more ease, more opening, more accepting, more creative.
I’d love to hear from you on this. Drop me a comment below with what transpired after doing this!