That was the question the new naturopath doctor asked my mom and dad when he gave them his "prescription" for living more healthfully with my fathers onset of Dimensia.
"How commited are you to make the lifestyle changes I'll be asking of you?"
"How committed are you to stick to the plan I'll be offering you?"
"How committed are you to being open to trying new things?
...because I need to know this before we proceed."
Such great questions.
Sometimes I forget to ask myself - How committed am I to the things I want to have in order to step into the next chapter of me.
So I wrote out a bunch of commitment questions and thought I'd share them with you this week, maybe one or two of them will resonate and you'll consider questioning yourself too..
-How commited am I to change some of the beliefs I have about myself that get in the way of being the best version of me..
-How commited am I for how I want to show up each day especially on those mornings when I wake up and feel disorganized and doubtful..
-How committed am I to moving my body more days a week than not - no matter what form of excersie it is..
-How commited am I to choosing healthy alternatives when I really am craving chips & chocolate..
-How commited am I to taking 100% responsibility for my life no matter what's happening in my external world..
-How committed am I to staying focused on all the things that are going well instead of focusing on all the things that are missing..
-How committed am I to keep stepping forward into this next chapter of my life especially when it feels scary and vulnerable..
Your turn - how committed are you to you?...
Have an amazing week -
..Trying to figure things out but feeling like your walking through fog? Don't know what direction is next for you? Schedule a 30 minute complimentary clarity call here to sift through the confusion of what you're thinking and believing.
Patricia Cimino is a certified Life Coach who's passionately driven to help women in transition discover the next chapter of their lives. She teaches a bullet proof self coaching model that radically changes how her clients think, feel and behave. When she's not coaching, speaking, leading workshops and retreats you can find her sweating it out on her mat or taking advantage of being the only female in a house full of a lot of testosterone..