Last week I connected with a gal I've known for a while but haven't seen in a long time. We met for coffee and she filled me in on everything going on in her life.
As we talked she told me about all the things she recently accomplished and how proud she was of the strides she'd made.
Then she told me where she was feeling stuck.
As a coach, I'm trained to reveal my clients blind spots. To show them what they can't see. I'm there to challenge their perceptions and introduce them to new ways of thinking.
Thinking that will turn their dreams into reality, so regret is not an option.
This past year I helped my clients make some big changes that felt impossible when they first came to me. Many resulted in discovering their life's purpose that led to launching a business. Others learned to uplevel their beliefs about themselves that led to new leadership roles within their current careers. And some learned how to create boundaries that saved their personal relationships. All led to building a regret proof life.
So here's what I'd like to ask:
Where in your life are you scared to make a change?
Where are you not showing up?
At what point will your desire to not want to live in regret be greater than sitting in it?
If you're sick of looking in the rear view mirror of should have's and could have's, click here and lets connect and talk about viewing life from the front window of positivity and possibility.