I AM statements are one of the most powerful tools for making mental shifts.
Whatever follows the I am starts the creation of it.
I AM statements can be a really great tool for being intentional with your life if you are using them to empower yourself with what you want to create. They can be extremely powerful.
because whatever follows the I am starts the creation of it.
Unfortunately without paying attention to yourself, they can also be used to confirm your doubts and fears. So really this is as much about awareness as it is about creating a powerful mantra.
Confused? Let me explain:
If you hear yourself saying:
I am confused what to do next.
I am not like her/him.
I am not able to do that.
You will keep yourself STUCK. Remember -
Whatever follows the I am starts the creation of it.
When you hear yourself saying those old default thoughts (something you say without even thinking about it) it creates doubt, fear and lack and that my friends, produces INACTION.
Keeping you stuck in the same place you've always been.
But you can decide to create I am statements that empower you.
This can sound like:
I am capable.
I am powerfully me.
I am productive.
These empowering statements will inspire you to take action toward the goals and aspirations you have because whatever follows the I am starts the creation of it.
It's a small thing - that's actually a really big thing.
This week - start to notice how you're using I am statements and if they don't make you feel optimistic, mentally strong or encouraging - change the words beyond the I am 😊.
I'd love to hear some of your I am statements that have helped you in the past - hit reply and let me know them!
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