I recently hit my Covid 19 wall.
Total depletion.
No energy.
And it had nothing to do with the virus.
And everything to do with falling off my self care ritual.
Slept through my morning routine.
Told myself - I'll do it later...and later never came.
That little decision led to 4 days of unraveling.
By Sunday I took an inventory of everything I was doing in effort to figure out why I felt so unmotivated, uninspired and expired.
The one thing missing was my morning time to myself - a self care routine I normally do every morning. This one little time block with no interruptions was not part of my previous 4 days.
I realized the impact of routinely doing it when I hit the wall.
On Monday I got back on the saddle and it was like I was alive again.
Has the quarantine led you off your self care regiment?
Do you find yourself busy taking care of everyone else and not carving time for just you?
Or are you combining time with others (kids or spouse) and telling yourself it's your self care time because after all you are at home lounging around with them..?
FRIENDS - this is not the same as gifting yourself time and attention for just you.
If your calendar is fuller than normal because now you have to learn technology you didn't know, share your work space with your spouse, supervise your kids academics, keep your house clean and manage your stress and worry about the future - it's even more critical to carve space out for you to decompress and reconnect with yourself. If you can't give yourself a full hour - settle for 15 minutes and go from there.
You can't fill others up if you are depleted.
Fill your cup up first and then let it overflow on to everyone else.
Have an amazing week getting back to carving out time for just you.
If you're having trouble doing this - connect with me. I can help you manage the chaos causing you to hit your Covid wall and get you back on track sooner rather than later.
Drop a comment below and tell me one thing that's getting in the way right now - I'll reply with a quick strategy to get you moving.
"We become what we tell ourselves
Learn to tell yourself something you want to become"
Patricia Cimino