Do you plan time on your calendar to visualize?
I'm talking about actually putting on your calendar minutes dedicated to visualizing your hopes, dreams, goals - literally anything you want to create.
Here's what happens when you do and why it's important if you want to create an amazing career, business and life:
Visualization is the first step to manifesting your reality.
And here's the science behind visualization:
When you visualize, you access the right part of your brain where your creativity, intuition and imagination lives.
Tapping in from a calm state of mind, you create road maps for what to do from the part of your brain that uses positive emotions like curiosity, passion and purpose.
The more you spend time visualizing, the clearer your vision gets. Your brain starts to interpret your vision as reality and begins to create new neural pathways to support it. In short, you start to take action in the direction of your vision.
Be aware before you get started:
Your brain is going to view this as a waste of time, label it as lazy or convince you you don't have the time.
Know that's a BS lie because the truth is if you want to live your vision - you don't have time NOT to do it.
Start with small steps:
1) Select a 15 minute time slot
2) Block it out on your calendar
3) Start with the end. See your vision completed
4) Work backwards
5) Take a small step
When you use visualization you are being proactive as the creator of your life.
Here are a few of the benefits:
1) Extreme focus on your goal/vision
2) Your self belief grows exponentially
3) Your self awareness grows
4) You begin to see opportunities you may have otherwise overlooked
5) Your confidence builds and you start to take bigger steps getting you closer to your goal.
Here's to adding visualization to your calendar and making it a powerful!
If you're looking for accountability with your goals, I've opened a few spots for private coaching for the month of October. Schedule your coaching consultation here.
If you or someone you know is looking for a Personal Growth / Inner Leadership Speaker for your event, let me know here!